
General Guidelines

Everything said on Kaleidas should be treated as off the record. Don’t share any conversations from Kaleidas with anyone outside who is not a member.
Treat people respectfully. Our general rule of thumb is only talk to people on Kaleidas the way you would talk to them in real life.
We have a zero tolerance policy for hateful conduct. Your account will immediately be suspended if you promote violence, or attack or threaten others on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, religion, age or disability. This policy extends to all content and conduct on Kaleidas, including posts, comments, direct messages, usernames and profiles.
Kaleidas is not intended for self-promotion or personal brand building. It’s ok to contribute articles you’ve written or offer your services, so long as your primary goal is to be helpful to others and add value to the community. In an effort to find the balance between the two, we limit the number of promotional posts each user shares to two each month. When a member shares more than two promotional posts in a month, our community team will remove the extra posts.
Please treat the information on member profiles with respect; do not scrape member information (manually or with scripts), and do not send promotional materials to members.
We always have the right to remove you from Kaleidas. For example, you might be removed if you don’t follow these guidelines.
Read our Direct Messaging Guidelines for more DM-specific information.
As Kaleidas grows our culture will always be changing, so these guidelines are likely to change over time.

Direct Messaging Guidelines

Everything said over DM is off the record. Don’t share messages with anyone outside Kaleidas.
Choose who to message and what you write with care. Keep your messages personal, concise, and specific. Make it easy for others to reply.
Optimize for asynchronous responses that a busy person can answer quickly. Meeting in person for coffee, or having phone conversations might not be feasible for everyone.
If you’re asking for advice, consider who has experience or opinions on the matter, and how busy the person is before you send a message. Choose one person to message for advice at a time.
If you’re copy-pasting the same message to multiple people, you’re likely violating these guidelines.
Avoid self-promotion or promotion of your product or service.
Do not message members about job opportunities.
Read our General Guidelines for more information.